Okay this time I am going to try to actually put some captions with the pictures. Maybe one of these days I will manage to make my blog as cool as other peoples but for now this will have to do.
Let me start by explaining that about 5 weeks before the wedding, we found out that the highway out to where our reception was scheduled would be closed, so either we would have to reroute everyone 40 miles out of their way or find somewhere else to have the reception. Well I decided that I didn't want to make people drive that far so we began looking at other options. Brad suggested we look at a pretty little park in Providence, it was beautiful so we reserved it and sent out postcards to all of the Utah wedding guests to let the know of the change.
The off shoot of this joyful little switcharoo was that my family was forced to pull together to pull off a beautiful reception. They did a beautiful job I could have asked for more. There is a great story that goes along with this too because obviously since we were having the reception outside success was contingent on weather cooperation. The weekend before the wedding the weather was gorgeous however by monday afternoon clouds had rolled in and the temperature dropped. It was cold and rainy on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning. We decided to go forward with faith that things would work out and we would be able to have the reception outside. When we went into the temple it was still drizzling, when we came out 2 hours later at 1pm the sun was out and the weather was beautiful. The weather stayed beautiful for the rest of the day and we woke up Friday morning to clouds and rain again. I know that in the grand scheme of things the weather at a reception doesn't really matter but it was nice to have our faith pay off.